Work Outs: April 10 – 16, 2022 (Frogs, Moroccan Tomato Sauce, and Grasshoppers)

I saw this slightly weathered but cute frog statuette outside of a business when I was in San Jose, California walking around recently.

It caught my eye because I like frog and toad art and because of the little crown, which made me think he was waiting to be kissed by a princess and turned back into a prince.

He did look pretty happy though, so maybe instead he was a frog turned into a human or whatever and was kissed by a frog princess and turned back into his normal form.

Or maybe he just ate a kingdom of pixie royalty, stole the crown that was the top of one of the turrets of their castle and is just happy because he’s got a belly full of pixies?!

Sun, April 10th

Had a nice rest day, which was welcome after the very active day on Saturday.

Calories: 1897, Protein: 120 g.

Mon, April 11th

  • (Wake-Up Workout) Recumbent Bike: 30 Minutes, Hill Program, Level 9, RPMs: 70+.
  • (Afternoon) We followed along to The Jack Lalane Show, DVD 4, Episode 1. I also worked some with the 1 lb. indian clubs and the 5 lb. steel mace.
  • (Evening) I attended referee class for 2.5 hours and did some stretching.

Calories: 1893, Protein: 130 g.

Tues, April 12th

  • (Wake-up) Recumbent Bike: 30 Minutes, Aerobic Program, Level 7, RPMs: 70+.
  • (Afternoon) Back Day at the Physical Therapy Office. Warmed up using their arm cycle and by doing some dynamic stretching too.
    • (Super Set) Resistance Band Rows (blue band): 2 sets x 15 reps +
      • Resistance Band Shoulder Extension (blue band) 2 sets x 15 reps
    • (Super Set) Serratus Slide (orange band): 2 sets x 15 reps +
      • One-Handed Bent Over Row (each side): 5 lbs. x 2 sets x 15 reps
    • (Super Set) Bilateral External Rotation (blue band): 2 sets x 15 reps +
      • Reverse Flys (blue band): 2 sets x 15 reps
    • Afterward, we did some stretching and work with the foam roller, then 12 minutes of ice and the muscle electric stimulation machine. In the evening I did some more stretching.

Calories: 1900, Protein: 118 g.

We were doing some shopping at a small but interesting grocer down in Santa Cruz, California when I saw this Moroccan Tomato Sauce right at eye level (in prime real estate) on the shelf.

I thought it looked nice and it didn’t have any animal or dairy or any other bits that would irritate my husband’s touchy joints and such so I bought it.

I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to make with it since Moroccan cooking isn’t exactly in my wheelhouse, but there was a breakfast recipe for eggs on the back that looked both easy and good so I decided to give that a try.

I followed the egg recipe on the back of the bottle, which was to simmer the sauce in a pan and add the eggs on top of the sauce, simmer a bit, and then cover and simmer a bit more. They gave specific times but I found, after making this recipe several times now, that it is good to vary the time depending upon how done you want the eggs.

For my husband, who eats plant-based, I scrambled up some egg substitute and then added the cooked “egg” on top of the sauce. For both, I followed the suggestion to garnish with fresh parsley and serve with crusty bread.

It made for a pretty good meal and a very different breakfast than what we usually eat, which is nice.

Wed, April 13th

  • (Wake-up) We followed along to The Jack Lalane Show, DVD 4, Episode 2.
  • (Afternoon) Leg Day at the Physical Therapist Office. Warmed up with their recumbent bike.
    • Seated Leg Press: 235 x 2 sets x 10 reps
    • (Super Set) Monster Walks (blue band): 2 sets x 10 reps +
      • Lateral Walks (blue band, each direction): 2 sets x 10 reps
    • Squats with Resisted Hip Abduction (green band): 2 sets x 10 reps
    • Square Balance Board: One set of side to side and one set of front and back. Each set was one minute.
    • Step Up With Knee Raise (alternate legs, 2-ct): 2 sets x 10 reps
    • (Super Set) Standing Hip Abduction (green band): 2 sets x 10 reps +
      • Standing Hip Extension (green band): 2 sets x 10 reps
    • Bird Dips (each side): 2 sets x 10 reps
    • Ball Toss While Balancing on Dina Disks: 4 lb. ball for one minute.
    • Ended the session with ultrasound, stretching, and muscle electric stimulation. Also stretched again in the evening.

Calories: 1909, Protein: 150 g.

My husband and I went to an Oaxacan restaurant called Copal the other day in Santa Cruz, CA. The food was excellent. My husband thought they did a very good job on the mole and my taco plate was very nice too.

I ordered Chapulines for an appetizer, which I have never heard of before. Basically, they are grasshoppers roasted with chiles and whatnot and garnished with lime. I expected them to be ok maybe, but they turned out to be delicious and I ended up sprinkling some on the tacos I was eating as a main course. Very crunchy and nice. Would order again.

I thought in general the restaurant was a good place to go get Mexican-style food when you are looking for something that is a bit less basic than going to the various take-out places in the area.

Thur, April 14th

  • (Wake-up) Recumbent Bike: 30 Minutes, Manual Program, Level 5, RPMs: 70+.
  • (Afternoon Pushing Workout) I followed along with the short Boxing Basics class by Kupah James on, which along with the 1 lb. indian clubs and some dynamic stretching served as a warm-up. Then I followed along with the Tae Kwon Do White Belt Class 3 on the Global Martial Arts University site. The emphasis for the class on was punching, which went well with the boxing warm-up.
  • (Tri-Set) DB Bench Press: 30 lbs. x 5 sets x 8 reps +
    • CoC Grippers (L/R Hands): Guide (60 lbs.): 3 sets x 8/8 reps, Sport (80 lbs.): 2 sets x 5/5 reps
    • Alternating Sets of TKD High Block and Low Block (each arm): 5 sets x 20 reps
  • (Tri-Set) Arnold Press: 20 lbs. x 5 sets x 8 reps +
    • Coc Grippers (L/R Hands): Sport (80 lbs): 5/5 reps, Trainer (100 lbs., Close to 4mm with left hand and 2mm with right hand): 3 sets x 5/5 reps, Trainer: Close x 0+5 reps/3+2 reps
    • Boxing Slip Drill (each side): 5 sets x 20 reps
  • (Tri-Set) Incline Push-up (4th Cellar Step): 3 sets x 12 reps +
    • DB Wrist Curls (each hand): 20 lbs. x 3 sets x 8 reps
    • Jab/Cross (switched stance halfway through): 3 sets x 20 reps
  • (Tri-Set) Standing Cable Flies: 15 lbs. x 3 sets x 12 reps +
    • Lateral Raises: 10 lbs. x 3 sets x 8 reps
    • Footwork Drill (turn ~90 degrees and pull back slightly to avoid attack and counter with dual eye strike): 3 sets x 20 reps
  • Finished with Bicycling Exercise: 30 seconds, Crunches: 20 reps, Elbow Plank: 30 seconds, Balance Board: 1:05 seconds
  • Did Standing Shoulder portion of “Back/Shoulder Flexibility for Beginners” by Dyland Werner on I also did some more stretching later in the evening.

Calories: 2302, Protein: 177 g.

Fri, April 15th

  • (Wake-up) Recumbent Bike: 30 Minutes, Manual Program, Level 5, RPMs: 70+. Stretched out my calves a little afterward.
  • (Afternoon Pulling Workout) Warmed up with 1 lbs. indian clubs, dynamic stretching, and some light sets of the exercises I did later in the workout. Finished the warm-up with “5-Minute core for Beginners” by Calvin Corzine on
  • Physical Therapy Exercises
    • (Super Set) Resistance Band Rows (blue band): 2 sets x 15 reps +
      • Resistance Band Shoulder Extension (blue band) 2 sets x 15 reps
    • (Super Set) Serratus Slide (orange band): 2 sets x 15 reps +
      • One-Handed Bent Over Row (each side): 5 lbs. x 2 sets x 15 reps
    • (Super Set) Bilateral External Rotation (blue band): 2 sets x 15 reps +
      • Reverse Flys (blue band): 2 sets x 15 reps
  • Standing Cable Rows (hog bar): 65 lbs. x 12 reps, 70 lbs. x 12 reps, 75 lbs. x 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Cable Pulldowns (seated on floor): 60 lbs. x 12 reps, 65 lbs. x 3 sets x 12 reps
  • (Super Set) Zottman Curls: 15 lbs. x 4 sets x 8 reps +
    • Finger Extensions (8 lb. band): 4 sets x 12 reps
  • Farmer’s DB Walk: 35 lbs. x 45 seconds
  • (Super Set) Seated DB Cleans: 10 lbs. x 2 sets x 12 reps +
    • Side Internal Shoulder Rotation Exercise (orange band, each arm): 2 sets x 8 reps
  • (Super Set) Iron Halos: 25 lbs. x 2 sets x 6 rotations in both directions +
    • Face Pulls: 17.5 lbs. x 2 sets x 12 reps
  • Did some stretching and foam roller work that the physical therapists gave me for my back. Also did some leg stretching later in the evening.

Calories: 1959, Protein: 152 g.

Sat, April 16th

Had a nice rest day with my husband. Did some stretching in the evening. Put in a good week with the workouts, I think. Probably going to take tomorrow off too and call it a resting weekend.

Calories: 2448, Protein: 174 g.

I lost 1 lb. this week. My total loss is 14.625 lbs. over nine weeks for an average of 1.63 lbs/week. My calorie intake for the week was 13,915.

9 responses to “Work Outs: April 10 – 16, 2022 (Frogs, Moroccan Tomato Sauce, and Grasshoppers)”

  1. That Moroccan dish looks extremely tasty and while I’ve had other African cuisine such as Ethiopian, I think Moroccan is a style of food that I need to explore a lot more as it looks delicious!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m pretty sure Dave Stone can read my mind (although he’ll find there’s nothing of substance in it) as he’s said everything I was going to say! ๐Ÿ™‚ The frog and breakfast look really good! Glad you liked the Mexican food, although I don’t think I could have eaten it!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Always love a frog!he does look like he has just eaten a whole glen of Pixies. There is a move over here for us to start eating locust but when I went out into the field and told our local ones about it, strangely they didn’t seem to keen! There was some murmur about the above and what happens to them in France!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Doesn’t he though!?

      I didn’t know there was a movement in Australia to eat locusts. I can see why though: if you want less of some creature or plant, get people used to the idea of eating it, wearing it, or somehow linking it to status or fashion. From what I read on Wikipedia, apparently the traditional dish is such that the grasshoppers are special ones that are harvested during a specific time of the year … gourmet bugs!

      Yeah, they’ll eat just about anything in France so I’m told! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yep! Make it trendy and folk will line up for it ๐Ÿ˜‰. Iโ€™m sure youโ€™re right about them being special as ours donโ€™t look at all tasty ๐Ÿค”. And the snails they eat in France arenโ€™t the ones I would find in my garden, just the thought of it puts me of ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

        Liked by 1 person

    • They aren’t bad. If you don’t season them much they have a bit of a “dusty” flavor, but the way I ate them this time they tasted like the chilis and garlic mostly and were very crunchy.


  4. The frog statue is cool, and reminds me off my old archery group, the Tockington toads, as the symbol looked very similar. Interesting breakfast, we don’t have tomatoes in the house, as my son is intolerant, which can make cooking extra tricky. Couldn’t eat the grasshoppers, reminds me too much of survival training. Great progress on the workouts Ann, keep up the good work.

    Liked by 3 people

    • That is a pretty neat coincidence that the random frog I saw was similar to your archery group mascot.

      Too bad your son is tomato intolerant; I can imagine where that might make things tricky. I can also imagine that survival training would make one not too interested in things like bugs. I only did some extremely light survival training, when I was in the military, but I did date a soldier who did a lot of stuff like that and had many stories. I also do a lot of board gaming with a bunch of vets, who also have a lot of stories about eating bugs and such. I’m all for bugs myself but I want them cooked nicely, seasoned, etc.

      Thank you, Dave, I’m going to keep pushing ahead on the workouts. So far I’m getting the results I’m wanting and having fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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