Thirteen Poxwalkers

I’ve always found thirteen to be a lucky number!

Today’s offering is a quick picture of my poxwalker mob as it stands so far: thirteen strong.  Since a minimum-sized mob is ten, and I started the month of June with less than ten, this completes Azazel’s June painting challenge.

For July I plan on completing more poxwalkers with the goal of finishing the full twenty, if not in July then certainly before the end of summer.


34 responses to “Thirteen Poxwalkers”

  1. Good work! It’s always nice to see a group shot after labouring over these for a long time. I love how they’re obviously a unit together even though each is an individual; I often fall into the problem of having units composed of twins (or at least, that all dress at the same shop).

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is fun to line them all up together after so much time of laboring over them, yes I agree and thank you. I have greatly enjoyed trying to paint them to be the same but different. 🙂


    • Thanks. I really like them, both for the flavor they bring to the army and also how they perform. I find they are very flexible. They can be somewhat weak but if properly buffed and deployed they can be fairly competitive too, which makes them flexible for all kinds of different opponents.

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  2. What a mob – imagine seeing that lot lumbering through the streets towards you! Well done on hitting the (J)unit target and good look with getting the rest of the horde done 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much. I like to imagine what the mini’s I’m painting would be like in real life sometimes. I imagine poxwalkers would be no joke, especially if they were accompanied by some deranged giant with a tremendously loud bell screaming, “Oy, you lot, lunch is over there!”

      I expect to keep picking away at the horde until the 20 models are done. I have number fourteen about half done, and I’m probably going to finish up a poxbringer tonight or tomorrow.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh absolutely, I think you can really add to the depth and narrative of a model by thinking about how it would be in reality. Poxwalkers may look a bit daft at times with their happy faces but if they were shambling towards you they’d be terrifying! Happy zombies – it’s the stuff of nightmares!

        Good luck with the poxbringer 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, I think most things in 40K and much of what we paint for miniatures in general would be quite terrifying in real life. Thank you, the poxbringer is almost done and I think he’ll fit in with the plaguebearers ok; at least if he doesn’t they will probably be too cowed to point it out.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m loving these Poxwalkers. Something about the beach bases and the diseased bodies. It’s conjuring images of sea water soaked diseased skin, coral cut infections and rusty metal. The colours are fab. I really like the variety. I’ll be follwing your blog from now on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Many thanks. Yes, you are right, the idea of beaches and diseased corpses evokes strong imagery. I particularly think of Weird WWII themes when my mind turns in that direction.


    • Heh, yeah, he is a little colorful, that’s for sure though I did probably miss at least one color in the rainbow (but maybe not). I do have to say that so far the EAS poxwalker was my least favorite to paint because I find I favor lots of exposed flesh on my zombies as opposed to jump suits. I’m kind of pleased on how the purple spikes came out though and I might try them again when I get around to painting some daemonettes.

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        • Yes, Slaanesh. My original plan, when I first started painting daemons, was to have representatives from all of the gods. Although I highly favor Slaanesh of the various troop choices daemonettes are probably my least favored models. Still, I have a box of them and eventually will get them painted up.

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          • Slaanesh were some of those “ugly GW minis” that turned me off from the game a long time ago. Maybe Nurgle too, but back then I probably didn’t know there was a difference. Over time I got to like them, and now think the really weird (and brightly colored) Slaanesh minis are kinda cool. Surprised they never released a Slaanesh Blood Bowl team. I’m sure I would have bought those minis back when I was trying to “collect it all!”.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Huh, that might be interesting. I’d imagine they’d be fast like the Skaven and could be interesting. Do/did they have daemons in Blood Bowl? I played the original game a few times back when it first came out, so I don’t know too much about where it has been since then other than what I randomly pick up from GW’s blanket newsletters.

              Liked by 1 person

              • They have a Nurgle team, a Chaos Chosen team (which seems to be Khorne/Chaos Warriors), and the computer game has a Daemons of Khorne team. GW hasn’t made the Daemons of Khorne, Brettonians, or Kislev teams official yet. But they are available on the computer game.

                Liked by 1 person

                  • I think it has been mentioned, but sounded like it wouldn’t be until all the 3rd edition teams are done. Well, except for Slann. I’ve heard no Slann, never. Which is a pity. I’d love to play some football with frog minis.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • I love me some frog mini’s. If I ever got into Blood Bowl it’ll be when they either feature a team entirely made up of frogs or dinosaurs! 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • The rules are still out there for Slann, but it sounds like there will never be an official miniatures release. I played against a friend’s Slann team on They are pretty interesting, though I don’t think he was using them to their full potential.

                      Liked by 1 person

  4. Very cool, Ann. A variety of colours, but not too garish for a pack of Nurgle daemons, and as Alexis says, a good way to keep the duplicates from being too obvious!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you. I didn’t anticipate that painting each one a little differently would have that effect when I started, but I’m glad for the happy accident.


    • Thanks, I’m looking forward to finishing the full mob. Not sure if I’m going to prioritize more Nurgle stuff after they are done or the long neglected pink horrors.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. They look really good all mobbed up like that. The different colours really help mix it up, too. I had to look pretty hard to find the couple of duplicate sculpts, even when they’re right next to each other.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you. I did try to make them somewhat different from each other, while still being in the same genus, partly because I thought they’d look better that way and partly because I did a lot of experimenting with them.


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