Colonel Fixit’s Command Group (1499 Points)

Colonel Valentina Fixit with Warboss Hungry, circa 2012.
  • HQ: Big Mek with kustom force field and Fixer Upperz = 100
  • HQ: Painboy = 50
  • HQ: Warboss on a bike with a power klaw = 110
  • Troop: Shoota Boyz (12), rokkit, nob with boss pole and klaw = 129
    • DT: Trukk with rokkit and reinforced ram = 35
  • Troop: Shoota Boyz (12), nob with boss pole = 99
    • DT: Trukk with big shoota and reinforced ram = 35
  • Troop: Gretchin (11) with runtherd = 38
  • Elite: Nob Bikers (3); 1. slugga & choppa, 2. big choppa, 3. power klaw = 165
  • Elite: Nobz (9); 1. boss pole & klaw, 2.-3. big choppa & shoota, 4. shoota/skorcha, 5.- 9. sluggas & choppas = 212
    • DT: Battlewagon with kill kannon, extra armor, and reinforced ram = 155
  • Heavy Support: Lobbas (3) with six krew  = 54
  • Heavy Support: Zzap Guns (3) with six krew and three ammo runts = 78
  • Heavy Support Kannons (3) with six krew = 54
  • Fast Attack: Dakkajet with three supa shootas = 130
  • Fast Attack: Stormboyz (5) with nob = 55

This list uses the codex Ork Horde detachment, mainly so we can have three HQ’s.  Sometimes Colonel Fixit takes charge of the tactical situation and is the warlord.  Other times the colonel concentrates more on the technical details (keeping the battlewagon running) and leaves the overall prosecution of the battle to the biker boss, usually a powerful lieutenant or captain.  What he lacks in survival instincts he more than makes up for in enthusiasm and lethality.

Happy lieutenant posing for the orks back home on his then brand new motorcycle, Spring 2014.

Like most of my lists, this is meant for casual games where over the last few years it has done quite well with some cinematic victories and (dare I admit?) defeats.  I’ve had to make some changes when the new codex came out, the most notable one being the painboy is now an HQ choice and not an upgrade character in a nobz squad.  I added the airplane when flyers first came out because the Sovietesque orks would certainly want to get their little green hands on a MIG 15 if they could.

Also, the warboss got his bike when I received a Forgeworld kit for a Christmas present back in 2013, and I thought he might need some nob bikers to lord it over so I added some.  I took out some of the boyz when troops became a little less important for holding objectives.  In any case, with the Ork Horde detachment my troops are no better at holding objectives than anyone else in my army so perhaps more bikers are in the works?  Only time will tell.

8 responses to “Colonel Fixit’s Command Group (1499 Points)”

  1. Thanks. It was pretty easy. I’m using the new Citadel paint names, but it has been quite awhile since I painted him so I did in fact use the older range of paints, not that I think it makes much difference. I primed with black and then did a heavy dry brush of Leadbelcher. Then I did a wash of Devlan Mud, and did a lighter dry brush with Leadbelcher again in areas I wanted to be shinier. After that I did a light dry brush over those lighter areas with Ironbreaker, and yet again (though this time very sparingly and not in too many places) with Runefang Steel.

    I hope that helps.


  2. […] He had two battle tanks as his heavy support.  Other vehicles included three or four chimera and a valkyrie gunship.  His troops were all veterans with those scary-looking german helmets and gas masks.  (We imagined that our battle was a small part of what happened during the Third War for Armageddon.  Perhaps the vindicare assassin was dispatched to kill Ghazghkull Thraka, who apparently was elsewhere.) The orks opted for a slight variation on Colonel Fixit’s Command Group list. […]


  3. Thank you very much, Alex. He was a lot of work to put together and paint but he remains one of my favorite miniatures. The only problem is that in games he looks so darned fierce that he draws a lot of fire, lol. 🙂


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